This concludes the basic section. You have the essentials to devise routines for learning practically any new piece. This is the minimum set of instructions you need to get started. However, note that the simplicity of each topic belies the endless possibilities that they present. It is important to understand that each procedure may have a myriad of uses and to constantly learn these new applications as you come across them, and to keep your eyes open for new possibilities. Take HS practice, for example. It is not just a method for learning quickly, but is useful for practicing as hard as you want without risking injury and it is used for removing hand memory and substituting it with more permanent memory that you can depend on for recovering from blackouts. It helps you to analyze a composition and its underlying simplifying concepts, it is used to balance the hands so that one is not weaker than the other, it allows you to take advantage of the ability of one hand to teach the other, etc. In section III, we shall explore more uses for these basic steps, as well as introduce more ideas on how to solve some common problems.